001Tindal Acetophenazine Maleate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychotic disorders. Mild photosensitivity, abnormal liver function tests, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, ocular changes, blurred vision, orthostatic hypotension, EPS, tardive dyskinesia, tansient leu- kopenia, agranulocytosis. Adults: initially, 20mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. Daily dosage ranges from 40 to 80mg in outpatients, and 80 to l20mg in hospital- ized patients. In severe psychotic states up to 600mg per day may be administered. However, the smallest effective dose should be use at all times. 002Xanax Alprazolam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: anxiety disorders; short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety. Drowsiness, lightheadedness, confusion, irritability, sedation, jaundice, diplopia, amnesia, anorexia, insomnia, akathisia, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, tachycardia. Usual starting dose: 0.25 to 0.5mg t.i.d. The maximum total daily dosage is 4mg in divided doses. In elderly or debilitated patients, the usual starting dose is 0.25mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. 003Symmetrel Amantadine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: idiopathic Parkinson's disease, post-encephalitic parkinsonism, and symptomatic parkinsonism which may follow injury to the nervous sys- tem as a result of carbon monoxide, and manganese intoxication. Insomnia, congestive heart failure, orthostatic hypo- tension, depression, psychosis, confusion, irritability, anxiety, nausea,constipation, anorexia. For Extrapyramidal Reactions: Adults, 100mg, P.O. b.i.d., up to 300mg per day in divided doses. Admin- istration of dosages above 200mg per day requires close supervision. The maximum daily dose is 400mg. For Idiopathic Parkinsonism : 100mg P.O. b.i.d. 004Endep Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression. Drowsiness, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, myo- cardial infarction, decreased concentration, insomnia, numbness, ataxia, dry mouth, blurred vision, skin rash, diarrhea, nausea. Adults, outpatients: Start with 25mg t.i.d. This may be increased to a total daily dosage of 150mg, if needed. It may take as long as 30 days before the de- sired antidepressant effect is obtained. An op- tional means of administering the medication is by giving 50-100mg at h.s. Adults, hospitalized: 100mg/day initially which may then be increased slowly to a total of 200mg/day. 005Amitril Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression. The following are common to tricyclic antidepressants:disturbed concentration, hypotension, hypertension, ataxia, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, tachycardia, nightmares, sweating, blurred vision, skin rash, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Adults: 50-100mg P.O. at h.s., which may be increased to 200mg/day. The maximum daily dosage is 300mg per day if needed. I.M. : 20-30mg I.M. q.i.d. As an alternative method of administra- tion the entire amount may be given at h.s. 006Elavil Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularrly endogenous depression. The following are common to tricyclic antidepressants:disturbed concentration, hypotension, hypertension, ataxia, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, tachycardia, nightmares, sweating, blurred vision, skin rash, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Adults, outpatients : 75mg P.O. in divided doses. This may be in- creased to 150mg/day if needed. It may take 30 days in order to observe the desired antidepres- sant effect. Another means of administering the medication is to start with 50-100mg at h.s. This dosage may be increased by 25 or 50mg as needed to a total of 150mg/day. Adults, hospitalized: initially, 100mg/day. This dosage may be in- creased slowly to 200mg/day if needed. Adolescent/Geriatric: 10mg, t.i.d. with 20mg at h.s. 007Emitrip Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression. Sweating, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, EKG changes, drowsiness, dizziness. Adults : 50-100m P.O. at h.s., increasing to a total daily dose of 200mg per day if needed; I.M. : 20-30mg I.M. q.i.d. This can be given entirely at h.s. Elderly/Adolescents: 30mg P.O. daily in divided doses. This may be increased to 150mg/day. 008SK-Amitriptyline Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following condition: depression, particularly endogenous depression. Sweating, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, EKG changes, drowsiness, dizziness. Adults : 50-100mg P.O. at h.s., increasing to a total daily dosage of 200mg. The maximum dosage is 300mg per day which is used with a small patient population. I.M. : 20-30mg q.i.d. This can be given entirely at h.s. Geriatrics/ Adolescents : 30mg P.O. daily in divided doses. This may be increased to 150mg/day if needed. 009Triavil Amitriptyline HCl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following conditions: severe anxiety and/or agitation with or without depressed mood; depression and anxiety due to chronic physical illness. Tardive dyskinesia; neurological impairment, dry mouth hypotension, drowsiness, constipation, sweating, blurred vision. Initial : 1 tablet Triavil 2-25 or Triavil 4-25 t.i.d. or q.i.d. or 1 tablet Triavil 4-50 b.i.d.; Schizophrenia: Triavil 4-25: 2 tablets b.i.d. Maintenance : 1 tablet of Triavil 2-25 or 4-25 two to four times per day, or 1 tablet of Triavil 4-50 twice per day. Reduce to the smallest amount possible in order to achieve desired effects. 010Amytal Amobarbital This medication is utilized for the following: sedation, insomnia, manic reactions, seizure control. Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pain at injection site, irritation, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, hangover, lethargy, skin rash. Sedation: Adults: 30-50mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. This may range from 15-120mg b.i.d. to q.i.d. Children: 3-5mg/kg deep I.M. at h.s.; I.M. injection is not to exceed 5ml in any one injection site. Manic Reactions: Adults and Children over 6 yrs.: 65-500mg slow I.V.; Do not exceed 100mg/minute. Maximum dosage is 1g. Children under 6 years: 3-5mg/kg slow I.V. or I.M. 011Asendin Amoxapine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: various forms of depression including neurotic and psychotic depression. It is also used in treating depression that is accompanied by anxiety or agitation. The following are common to antidepressants in gen- eral: tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, dizziness, orthostatic hypoten- sion, tachycardia, constipation, anxiety, restlessness, tremors, insom- nia, blurred vision. Initial dose: 50mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. This may be increased to 100mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. by the end of the 1st week. Administration of more than 300mg per day should only be made if 300mg per day has been unsuccessful in relieving symptoms during a trial period of at least two weeks. The maximum daily dose for hospitalized patients is 600mg/day. The usual effective dosage is 200-300mg/day. 012Alurate Aprobarbital This medication is utilized for the following: sedation, mild insomnia. Purpura, headache, nervousness, hypersensitivity reac-tion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Adult: Sedative : one 5ml teaspoon t.i.d. Mild Insomnia : one to two 5ml teaspoonful(s) before h.s. Pronounced Insomnia: two to four 5ml teaspoonfuls before h.s. 013Akineton Biperiden HCl & Biperiden Lactate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: all forms of parkinsonism; EPS resulting from CNS drugs. Mild nausea, nervousness, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, disturbed behavior, agitation, confusion, nausea, vomiting, constipation. For EPS : Adults: 2-6mg P.O. daily b.i.d. or t.i.d., depending on severity. The typical dose is 2mg daily or 2mg I.M. or I.V. q 1/2 hour, not to exceed 4 doses or 8mg totally/day. For Parkinson's Disease: Adults: One tablet t.i.d. or q.i.d. Indi- vidualize according to patient's needs. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets or 16mg. 014Cogentin Benztropine Mesylate This medication is utilized for the following: all forms of parkinsonism as well as in the control of extrapyramidal disorders dueto neuroleptic medication usage. It is not useful in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia. Constipation, blurred vision, dry mouth, restlessness,depression, disorientation, nervousness, irritability, and nausea. Acute dystonic reaction: Adults, 1-2ml IV or IM followed by 1-2mg P.O. b.i.d. to prevent symptom recurrence; Parkinsonism : Adults, 0.5 to 6mg P.O. per day. Initially, 0.5-1.0mg, then increase by 0.5mg every 5-6 days. Adjust to meet the individual pa- tient's needs. EPS : Adults, 1-4mg once or twice P.O. or paren- teral. Individualize to patient's needs and response. 015Parlodel Bromocriptine Mesylate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: idiopathic or post-encephalitic Parkinson's Disease. It is alsoused as an adjunct to levodopa therapy. Vomiting, nausea, headache, constipation, diarrhea, drowsiness, nasal congestion, dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness. Initially, administer 1/2 of a 2 1/2 mg tablet b.i.d. with meals. If needed the dosage may be increased q 14-28 days by 2 1/2mg with meals.Dosage should be the lowest possible in order to achieve desired ef- fects. Individualize administration according to the needs and re- sponse of the patient. 016Tegretal Carbamazepine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: grand mal, complex-partial (psychomotor) and mixed seizures. Ithas not been found effective in the treatment of petit mal seizures. The most severe reactions are involved with the hemo- poietic system, the skin and the cardiovascular system. These include the following: aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, leu- kocytosis, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, congestive heart failure, un-steadiness, vertigo, skin rash, hypotension, hypertension, headache, fa- tigue, blurred vision, talkativeness. Adults and Children over 12: 200mg P.O. b.i.d. This may be increasedby up to 200mg per day at weekly intervals utilizing a t.i.d. or q.i.d. regimen until the optimal results are achieved. It is not sug-gested using dosages above 1000mg/day in patients 12-15 years of age. It is not recommended utilizing dosages above 1200mg/day in patients above age 15. Maintenance: Use the minimum amount to achieve desired effects, typi-cally 800-1200mg/day for adults. Children 6-12: Initially, administer 100mg b.i.d. This may be in- creased by adding 100mg per day utilizing a t.i.d. or q.i.d. regimen. 017Sinemet Carbidopa-Levodopa This medication is utilized for the following: idiopathicParkinson's disease, post-encephalitic and symptomatic parkinsonism whichmay follow injury to the nervous system by carbon monoxide, and manganeseintoxication. Paranoid ideation, psychotic episodes, nausea, ataxia,numbness, insomnia, sleepiness, depression with or without development ofsuicidal risk, dystonic and involuntary movements. Adults: 3-6 tablets of 25mg Carbidopa/250mg levodopa per day in divided doses. One should not exceed 8 tablets of this dosage per day. Individualize by careful titration. Ini- tiate with 25-100 t.i.d. This may be increased by one tablet every day or every other day until six tablets of 25-100 a day is reached. 018Klonopin Clonazepam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: petit mal, akinetic and myoclonic seizure disorders. Increased salivation, CNS depression, ataxia, chest congestion, increased libido, hair loss, coma, abnormal eye movements, behavioral disturbances especially in children, drowsiness, insomnia. The initial dosage for adults should not exceed 1.5mg/day divided t.i.d. This may be increased by 0.5-1.0mg every three days until control is achieved. The maximum recommended dosage is 20mg/day. 019Noctec Chloral Hydrate This medication is utilized for the following: nocturnal sedation in all types of patients. Drowsiness, hangover, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, disoriented, incoherent, paranoid, leukopenia, skin rashes. Sedation: Adults : 250mg P.O. or rectally t.i.d. after meals. Children: 8mg/kg P.O. t.i.d. The maximum daily dosage is 500mg t.i.d. Insomnia: Adults : 500mg to 1g P.O. or rectally 15 to 30 minutes be- fore h.s.; Children: 50mg/kg in a single dose. The maximum dose per day is 1g. 020SK-Chloral Hydrate Chloral Hydrate This medication is utilized for the following: nocturnal sedation in all types of patients. Drowsiness, hangover, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, incoherent, paranoid, leukopenia, skin rashes. Sedation: Adults : 250mg P.O. or rectally t.i.d. after meals. Children: 8mg/kg P.O. t.i.d. The maxiumum daily dosage is 500mg t.i.d. Insomnia: Adults : 500mg to 1g P.O. or rectally 15 to 30 minutes before h.s.; Children: 50mg/kg in a single doses. The maximum dosage is 1g. 021Tranxene Chlorazepate Dipotassium This medication is utilized for the following: anxiety disorders; treatment of partial seizures; alcohol withdrawal. Drowsiness, nervousness, blurred vision, lethargy, fainting, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, headache, gastrointestinal complaints, dizziness, insomnia, ataxia. Anxiety: Adults: 15-60mg P.O. per day. Elderly: It is suggested to initiate with 7.5-15mg/day. Alcohol Withdrawal: Day 1: 30mg P.O. initially, then 30-60mg P.O. in divided doses. Day 2: 45-90mg P.O. in divided doses; Day 3: 22.5-45mg P.O. in divided doses; Day 4: 15-30mg P.O. in di- vided doses, then reduce daily dose slowly to 7.5-15mg. Adjunctive Epilepsy: Adults & Children over 12: The maximum recom- mended initial dosage is 7.5mg P.O. t.i.d. It is not recom- mended increasing more than 7.5mg/wk. Children 9-12: The maximum initial dose should not exceed 7.5mg b.i.d. One should not increase dosage more than 7.5mg/wk. Max: 60mg/day.022Limbitrol Chlordiazepoxide, Amitriptyline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression that is moderate to severe and is associated with moderate to severe anxiety. Adverse reactions are those associated with the use ofeither component alone: drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vi-sion, bloating, dizziness, impotence, tremor, ataxia, apprehension, eu- phoria, hypertension, hypotension, anorexia, weakness, confusion. Limbitrol Tablets: 3 to 4 tablets daily in divided doses. Limbitrol DS : Initially, 3 to 4 tablets daily in divided doses. This may be increased to six tablets/day as needed. 023Librium Chlordiazepoxide This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: mild to severe anxiety and tension; withdrawal symptoms of alcohol dependence. Drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, ataxia, confusion, hypotension, tachycardia, nausea, constipation, fainting, vomiting, pain at injection site. Adults : For mild to moderate anxiety and tension: 5-10mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; For severe anxiety: 20-25mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.Geriatrics: 5mg, b.i.d. to q.i.d. Children : 5mg, b.i.d. to q.i.d. This may be increased in some patients to 10mg, b.i.d. or t.i.d. Alcohol Withdrawal: initially, 50-100mg/day. This may be repeated as needed up to 300mg/day. 024SK-Lygen Chlordiazepoxide This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: mild to severe anxiety and tension; alcohol withdrawal. Drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, ataxia, confusion, hypotension, tachycardia, nausea, constipation, fainting, vomiting, pain at injection site. Mild to moderate anxiety and tension: Adults : 5-10mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d. Children over six years of age : 5mg P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d. The maximum daily dose is 10mg P.O. b.i.d. to t.i.d. Severe Anxiety: Adults : 20 to 25mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. Alcohol Withdrawal: Adults : 50-100mg P.O., I.M., or I.V. The maximum daily dosage is 300mg. 025Trancopal Chlormezanone This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: mild anxiety and tension. Headache, tremor, weakness, edema, nausea, skin rash, confusion, excitement, urinary retention, depression, flushing, dizzi- ness, and drowsiness. Adult : 200mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. In some patients, 100mg may be all that is needed. Children 5-12: 50-100mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. 026Thorazine Chlorpromazine This medication is utilized for the following: psychotic disorders, manic phase of bipolar disorder, severe behavioral distur- bances in children, non-psychotic anxiety. Tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, jaundice, agranulocy- tosis, orthostatic hypotension, simple tachycardia, transient leukopenia,blurred vision, jaundice, constipation, dry mouth, urinary retention, mild photosensitivity, extrapyramidal symptoms. Individualize dosage. Increase dosage slowly until symptoms are con- controlled. HOSPITALIZED, PSYCHOTIC: I.M.: 25mg (1ml). If needed, administer 25-50mg injection in 1 hr. Severe cases: increase subse- quent I.M. doses slowly over several days up to 400mg q 4-6 hours un- til patient is controlled. Oral doses may be substituted within 24-48hrs. 500mg/day is usually enough. Less acutely disturbed patients: Oral: 25mg t.i.d. Increase slowly until effective dose is achieved, usually 400mg/day. OUTPATIENTS, oral: 10mg t.i.d. or q.i.d., or 25mgb.i.d. or t.i.d. Children: Oral: 1/4mg/lb body wgt. q 4-6 hrs., prn;Rectal: 1/2mg/lb body weight q 6-8 hrs., prn. I.M.: 1/4mg/lb body wgt. q 6-8 hrs., prn. 027Sonazine Chlorpromazine This medication is utilized for the following: psychotic disorders, manic phase of bipolar disorder, severe behavioral distur- bances in children, non-psychotic anxiety. Tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, jaundice, agranulocy- tosis, orthostatic hypotension, simple tachycardia, transient leukopenia,blurred vision, jaundice, constipation, dry mouth, urinary reten- tion, mild photosensitivity, extrapyramidal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal : 25-50mg I.M. t.i.d or q.i.d.; Psychosis, adults : 500mg P.O. per day in divided doses, increasing gradually to 2g; or 25-50mg I.M. q 1-4 hours, prn; Psychosis, children: 0.25mg/kg P.O. q 4-6 hours; or 0.25mg/kg I.M. q 6-8 hours; or 0.5mg/kg rectally q 6-8 hours. The maximum daily dosage is 40mg in children under 5 years old and 75mg in children 5-12 years old. 028Promapar Chlorpromazine This medication is utilized for the following: psychotic disorders, manic phase of bipolar disorder, severe behavioral distur- bances in children, non-psychotic anxiety. Tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, jaundice, agranulocy- tosis, orthostatic hypotension, simple tachycardia, transient leukopenia,blurred vision, jaundice, constipation, dry mouth, urinary reten- tion, mild photosensitivity, extrapyramidal symptoms. Alcohol Withdrawal : 25-50mg I.M. t.i.d. or q.i.d. Psychosis, adults : 500mg P.O. per day in divided doses, increasing gradually to 2g; or 25-50mg I.M. q 1-4 hours, prn; Psychosis, children: 0.25mg/kg P.O. q 4-6 hours or 0.25mg/kg I.M. q 6-8 hours; or 0.5mg/kg rectally q 6-8hours. The maximum daily dosage is 40mg in children under 5 years and 75mg in children 5-12 year old. 029Taractan Chlorprothixene This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychotic disorders. Sedation, hypotension, initial drowsiness, hyperacti- vity, convulsions, dry mouth, nasal stuffiness, agranulocytosis, throbo- cytopenic purpura, excessive weight gain, insomnia, weakness, dystonia, akathisia, pseudo-parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia. Adults : Initially, 25-50mg t.i.d. or q.i.d., increasing as needed. Geriatrics : Initiate with 10mg-25mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. Dosages above 600mg/day are rarely used. Children over six yrs: 10-25mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. Parenteral : 25-50mg I.M. up to t.i.d. or q.i.d. Not for use in children under 12 years. 030Norpramin Desipramine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: depression. The following are found when utilizing tricyclic anti-depressants, but not necessarily found in Norpramin: nausea, vomiting, itching, blurred vision, ataxia, numbness, disorientation, confusion, hypertention, photosensitization, skin rash, dry mouth, tingling, hallu- cinations, tachycardia, hypotension. The usual adult dose is 100-200mg/day. This may be increased to 300mgper day if needed. Dosages above 300mg/day should not be used. Pa- tients needing 300mg/day require close supervision, preferably in a hospital setting. Adolescent and geriatric: The usual dose is 25-100mg daily. This maybe increased to 150mg/day if needed. Administration of doses above 150mg/day is not suggested. 031Pertofrane Desipramine This medication is utilized for the treatment of the following: depression. Severe adverse reactions are infrequent. Agranulocy- tosis, thrombocytopenia, purpura, unsteadiness, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia, tremor, tinnitus, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, tachycardia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retension, sweat- ing. Adults : 75-150mg P.O. daily in divided doses, in- creasing to a maximum of 300mg daily. As a an alternative the entire dosage may be ad- ministered at h.s. Adolescent and Geriatric: Initiate with 25-50mg/day. The maximum dose is 100mg/daily. May administered in divided doses or in a single daily dose. 032Dexampex Dextroamphetamine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Impotence, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, tachycardia, palpitations, restlessness, hyperactivity, talkativeness, insomnia, hypertension, hypotension. Narcolepsy: Adults : 5-60mg P.O. daily in divided doses. Children over 12 yrs: 10mg P.O. daily; May increase by 10mg at weekly intervals, prn. Children 6-12 yrs : 5mg P.O. daily; May increase by 5mg at weekly intervals, prn. ADDH : Children 6 yr & over: 5mg once daily or b.i.d. May in- crease by 5mg at weekly intervals, prn. Exceeding 40mg/day is rare. Children 3-5 yrs. : 2.5mg P.O. daily, with 2.5mg in- crements weekly, prn. 033Dexedrine Dextroamphetamine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Impotence, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, tachycardia, palpitations, restlessness, hyperactivity, talkativeness, insomnia, hy- pertension, hypotension, increased blood pressure, dizziness, euphoria, tremor, headache, Tourette's Syndrome, diarrhea, weight loss, changes in libido. Narcolepsy: Adults : 5-60mg P.O. daily in divided doses. Children over 12 yrs : 10mg P.O. daily. May increase by 10mg at weekly intervals, prn. Children 6-12 yrs : 5mg P.O. daily. May increase by 5mg at weekly intervals, prn. ADDH: Children 3-5 yrs : Initiate with 2.5mg P.O. daily, tablet or elixir. May increase by 2.5mg at wkly. intervals, prn. 034Ferndex Dextroamphetamine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Impotence, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, tachycardia, palpitations, restlessness, hyperactivity, talkativeness, insomnia, hypertension, hypotension. Narcolepsy: Adults : 5-60mg P.O. daily in divided doses. Children over 12 yrs: 10mg P.O. daily. May increase by 10mg at weekly intervals, prn. Children 6-12 yrs : 5mg P.O. daily. May increase by 5mg at weekly intervals, prn. ADDH : Children 6 & older : 5mg once daily or b.i.d. May in- crease by 5mg weekly, prn It is rare to exceed 40mg/day. Children 3-5 years : 2.5mg P.O. daily, with 2.5mg in- crements weekly, prn. 035Synacap No. 1 Dextroamphetamine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Impotence, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, tachycardia, palpitations, restlessness, hyperactivity, talkativeness, insomnia, hypertension, hypotension. Narcolepsy: Adults : 5-60mg P.O. daily in divided doses. Children over 12 yrs : 10mg P.O. daily. May increase by 10mg at weekly intervals, prn. Children 6-12 yrs : 5mg P.O. daily. May increase by 5mg at weekly intervals, prn. ADDH : Children 6 yrs & over: 5mg once daily or b.i.d. May in- crease by 5mg/wkly. It is rare to exceed 40mg/day. Children; 3-5 years : 2.5mg P.O. daily, with 2.5mg in- crements weekly, prn. 036Diazepam Diazepam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: the short-term relief of anxiety (4 months or less), and acute alcohol withdrawal. Drowsiness, fatigue, ataxia, blurred vision, vertigo, slurred speech, nausea, skin rash, depression, diplopia, incontinence, insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations, sleep disturbances. The most frequentare drowsiness, fatigue, and ataxia. Adults: Anxiety : 2-10mg b.i.d. to q.i.d. Alcohol withdrawal: 10mg t.i.d. to q.i.d. during the first 24 hours then reducing to 5mg t.i.d. to q.i.d., prn. Anticonvulsant : 2-10mg b.i.d. to q.i.d. Children : 1mg to 2 1/2mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. initial- ly. May be increased slowly prn. Not for use in children under 6 months 037Valium Diazepam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety disorders; alcohol withdrawal; adjunctive treatment of status epilepticus. Drowsiness, fatigue, ataxia, venous thrombosis, phebi-tis at the injection site, cardiovascular collapse, lethargy, depression,confusion, constipation, tremor, nausea, changes in libido, urinary re- tension, hangover, hiccups. Anxiety disorders, Anticonvulsant: Oral: Adults : 2-10mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.; or if using extended release capsules: 15-30mg/day. Children over 6 mos : 1-2.5mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. I.V.,I.M.: Adults : 5-10mg I.V. initially. May be repeated at 10 -15 min. intervals, up to a maximum of 30mg.30 days old-under 5 yrs: 0.2-0.5mg slowly q 2-5 min.,to max of 5mg. Children over 5 yrs : 1mg q 2-5 minutes, up to maximum of 10mg. Alcohol withdrawal : 10mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d. during the first 24 hours, then reduce to 5mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d., prn. 038Sinequan Doxepin This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression and/or anxiety; psychotic depressive disorders in- cluding involutional depression and bipolar disorder. Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, sweating, urinary retention, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, skin rash, edema, nausea, vomiting, indi- gestion, changes in libido, weight gain. These side effects are common to tricyclic antidepressants and have not necessarily been attributed to use of Sinequan. Adults: Initiate with 75mg/day. Titrate according to the needs of the patient. The typical dose range is 75-150mg/day. In severe cases doses up to 300mg/day have been given. The to- tal daily dosage may be administered in divided doses or once per day. 039Adapin Doxepin This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression and/or anxiety. Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, sweating, urinary retention, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression: Adults: 25mg t.i.d., then titrate according to the needs and response of the patient. Typical dosage range is 75-150mg/day. May be administered in one daily dose or in divided doses. Severe anxiety and/or depression: Adults: 50mg t.i.d. initially, then if needed, slowly increase to 300mg/day. 040Benadryl Diphenhydramine This medication is utilized for the following: antipark- insonism. Dizziness, epigastric distress, drowsiness, dry mouth,constipation, nausea, hypotension, headache, sleepiness, sedation, photo-sensitivity, thickening of bronchial secretions, nasal stuffiness, trem- or, blurred vision, fatigue, confusion, irritability, insomnia, euphoria. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.Nighttime Sedation, Antiparkinsonism: Adults : 25-50mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. For sedation, 50mg at h.s. Children over 20 lbs: 12.5-25mg t.i.d. to q.i.d. The maximum dosage is 300mg/day. Parenteral: Adults: 10-50mg I.V. or deep I.M.; May use 100mg if necessary. The maximum daily dosage is 400mg. Children: 5mg/kg/24 hour or 150mg b.i.d. The maximum dai- ly dosage is 300mg. Divide into four doses, I.V. or I.M. 041Depakote Divalproex Sodium This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: simple and complex absence seizures, mixed seizure types and investigationally in grand mal seizures. Due to the usual combination of this medication with other drugs, it is not possible to determine conclusively that the fol- lowing are specific to Depakote: thrombocytopenia, sedation, depression,psychosis, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, toxic hepatitis, indigestion, diarrhea, loss of hair, aggression. Initial dosage: 15mg/kg/day; This may be increased at one week inter-vals by 5-10mg/kg/day. The maximum daily dosage is 60mg/kg/day. The dosage should be administered in divided dosage if the amount exceeds 250mg. 042Placidyl Ethchlorvynol This medication is used as follows: a short-term (1 week)hypnotic therapy in the treatment of insomnia. Blurred vision, nausea and aftertaste, vomiting, ur- ticaria, rash, dizziness, fatigue, gastric upset, thrombocytopenia, cholestatic jaundice. Sedation: Adults: 100-200mg P.O. bi.d. or t.i.d. Insomnia: Adults: 500mg to 1g P.O. at h.s. This may be repeated (100-200mg) if awakened in early a.m. 043Valmid Ethinamate This medication is utilized as follows: a short-acting hypnotic. Prolonged use of Valmid is not recommended. It has been shown effective up to seven days. Skin rash, paradoxical excitement in children, drug idiosyncrasy with fever, mild gastrointestinal distress, thrombocyto- penia, purpura. For insomnia: 500mg-1g 20 minutes before h.s. 044Parsidol Ethopropazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: all forms of parkinsonism, extrapyramidal symptoms from chemi- cals such as reserpine and phenothiazines. Urinary retention, constipation, diplopia, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, confusion, forgetfulness, dry mouth, drowsi- ness, poor concentration, lassitude. Initial : 50mg once daily or b.i.d. This may be in- creased slowly if needed. Mild to moderate severity: 100-400mg/day. Severe : Slowly increase to 500-600mg or more daily. 045Zarontin Ethosuximide This medication is utilized in the treatment of petit mal seizures. Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, euphoria, lethargy, epigastric and abdominal pain, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia. Adults and Children over 6 yrs.: Initially, 250mg P.O. b.i.d. This can be increased by 250mg q 4-7 days up to 1.5g/day. Children 3-6 yrs. : 250mg P.O. daily or 125mg P.O. b.i.d. The optimal dosage for most children is 20mg/kg/day. 046Peganone Ethotoin This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: tonic-clonic (grand mal) and complex partial (psychomotor) seizures. Infrequently, lympadenopathy, systemic lupus erythema-tosus, vomiting, nausea, chest pain, skin rash, fatigue, diarrhea, fever,nystogmus, numbness, insomnia, headache, dizziness, diplopia. Adults : Initially, 1g or less; subsequent dosage increases should take place over several days. Administration of this medication should be done on an individual basis according to the needs of the patient. Maintenance: 2-3g/day. Children : Initially, not more than 750mg should be administered per day. Maintenance: 500mg-1g/day. In some instances 2g/day may be needed. 047Permitil Fluphenazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders. The following side effects are not necessarily specif-ic to this medication, but are common to phenothiazine derivatives: mildphotosensitivity, urinary retention, ocular changes, dry mouth, constipa-tion, tardive dyskinesia, transient leukopenia, agranulocytosis, jaun- dice, abnormal liver function tests, changes in libido, extrpyramidal symptoms. Adults: initially, 0.5-10mg P.O. per day in divided doses. Dosages exceeding 3mg is rarely needed. Doses exceeding 20mg/day require caution and close supervision. The smallest dose that achieves re- sults should be utilized. Adolescents and geriatric patients may respond to smaller doses. 048Prolixin Fluphenazine This medication is utilized for the following: for pa- tients requiring prolonged parenteral neuroleptic therapy. This is a long-acting antipsychotic medication. Side effects common to phenothiazine compounds: EPS, transient leukopenia, agranulocytosis, tardive dyskinesia, nausea, loss of appetite, salivation, polyuria, perspiration, headache, dry mouth, constipation, ocular changes, blurred vision, abnormal liver function tests, mild photosensitivity. Tablets, Elixir, Oral Concentrate: Adults: Initial range depending on severity is 2.5-10mg and should be given in divided doses at 6-8 hour intervals. Initiate at a small dose, then increase if needed. Maintenance: 1.0 or 5.0mg typically given in a single dose. Injection: Adults: 1.25mg (0.5mL) I.M. initially; Based on the severity and dur- ation of symptoms, the dosage ranges from 2.5-10mg and should be given in divided doses at 6-8 hour intervals. Dosages ex- ceeding 10.0mg I.M. should be used cautiously. 049Dalmane Flurazepam This medication is utilized for the following: insomnia, such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent nighttime awakenings and/or early morning awakening. It is also used in medical situations requir- ing sleep. Dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, headache, staggering,ataxia, disorientation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation, chest pain, irritability, granulocytopenia (rare), diarrhea. Administration of this medication should be individualized according to the needs of the patient. Adults : 15-30mg P.O. at h.s. Geriatrics: 15mg P.O. at h.s. 050Doriden Glutethimide This medication is utilized as follows: as an effective hypnotic for 3-7 days. Euphoria, indigestion, confusion, dizziness, headache,drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, edema, ataxia, depression, vertigo, hang- over, skin rash, residual sedation. The dosage should be individualized. The typical adult dosage is 0.25-0.5g at h.s. For geriatric use, the initial daily dosage should not exceed 0.5g at h.s. 051Paxipam Halazepam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety disorders or the short-term (up to 4 months) relief of the symptoms of anxiety. drowsiness, syncope, depression, euphoria, confusion, psychomotor retardation, headache, drowsiness, dysarthria, apathy, dis- orientation, lethargy, ataxia, vomiting, gastric disorder, dry mouth. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.The usual suggested dose is 20-40mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. The optimal dosage range is 80-160mg per day. For geriatric patients, the usual dose is 20mg once or twice per day. 052Haldol Haloperidol This medication is utilized for the following: psychotic disorders, Tourette's Disorder, severe behavioral problems in children who are aggressive. EPS which includes parkinson-like symptoms, hypoten- sion, hypertension, skin rash, impaired liver function, anorexia, consti-pation, diarrhea, tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, lactation, breast engorgement, tachycardia, transient leukopenia, hyper- salivation, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, priapism, unexpected death. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs and response ofthe patient. Adults, oral: Moderate symptomatology: 0.5-2.0mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.; Severe symptomatology : 3.0-5.0mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.;Geriatric : 0.5-2.0mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.; Chronic pts.: 3.0-5.0mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.; Children : Psychotic disorders: 0.05mg/kg/day to 0.15mg/kg/day; Non-psychotic behavior, Tourette's Syndrome: 0.05- 0.075mg/kg/day; Adults, parenteral: 2-5mg for prompt control of symptoms. Depending on the response, subsequent doses may be given. 053Hyzine-50 Hydorxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movement. Adults : anxiety and tension: 25-100mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Children over 6 years : anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia: 50-100mg P.O. per day in divided doses; Children under 6 years: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia: 50mg P.O. per day in divided doses; 054Quiess Hydroxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movements; Adults, anxiety and tension: 25-100mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d; Children over 6 years: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia: 50-100mg P.O. per day in divided doses; Children under 6 years: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia: 50mg P.O. per day in divided doses; 055Vistaril Hydroxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety and tension. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movement. Adults : 50-100mg q.i.d.; Children over 6 years : 50-100mg per day in divided doses; Children under 6 years: 50mg daily in divided doses; Dosage should be individualized according to the needs and response ofthe patient. 056Durrax Hydroxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movement. Anxiety and tension: Adult: 25-100mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Anxiety, tension and hyperkinesia: Children over 6 years: 50-100mg P.O. per day in divided doses; Children under 6 years: 50mg P.O. per day in divided doses; 057Atarax Hydroxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety and tension. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movements. Adults : 50-100mg q.i.d.; Children over 6 years : 50-100mg P.O. daily in divided doses; Children under 6 years: 50mg P.O. per day in divided doses; 058Orgatrax Hydroxyzine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia. Drowsiness, dry mouth, involuntary motor movement. Anxiety and Tension: Adults: 25-100mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Anxiety, tension, hyperkinesia: Children over 6 years: 50-100mg P.O. per day in divided doses; Children unde 6 years: 50mg P.O. per day in divided doses; 059Levsin Hyoscyamine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: parkinsonism to reduce rigidity and tremors; to control associ- ated sialorrhea and hyperhidrosis. Weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, headache, ocular tension, cyclopegia, palpitations, mydriasis, tachycardia, blurred vi- sion, retension, urinary hesitancy, dry mouth. Adults & Children over 12: TABLETS, sublingually or orally: 1-2 tabs. q 4 hrs. or prn. Maximum: 12 tabs./day. ELIXIR: 1-2 teas. q 4 hrs or prn. Max.: 12 teas./24 hrs. DROPS: 1-2mL q 4 hrs. or prn. Max: 12mL/day. INJECTION: 0.5-1.0mL in one or divided doses. TIMECAPS: 1 q 12 hrs. May increase to 2 q 12 hrs. or 1 q 8 hrs. Children 2 to under 12 : TABLETS: 1/2-1 tablet q 4 hrs. Max: 6tabs/d ELIXIR:1/4-1 teas. q 4 hrs. DROPS: 1/4-1mL q 4 hrs. Max.: 6mL/day. TIMECAPS: 1 q 12 hrs. Max: 2 in 24 hrs. 060Tofranil Imipramine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression and as a tempor- ary treatment for childhood enuresis. It may take one to three weeks of treatment before results are observed. Drowsiness, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, tachy-cardia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, ataxia, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision. Adults: Hospitalized: initially, 100mg/day; If no response is ob- served in 2 weeks, increase to 250-300mg/day; Outpatients: 75mg, initially. May increase to 150mg. Doses above 200mg/ day are not recommended. Parenteral: Should only be util- ized for initiating therapy in pts. unavailable by other routes. Childhood Enuresis: over 6 yrs. old: 25mg P.O./day. If no response in 1 week, then increase to 50mg/day. Tofranil-PM: Adult, outpts: initially 75mg/day; May increase to 150/mg /day. If needed, may max at 200mg/day; inpt.: begin with 100-150mg/day; after 2 wks, may increase to 300mg/day. 061SK-Pramine Imipramine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression and as a tempor- ary treatment for childhood enuresis. Drowsiness, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, tachy-cardia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, ataxia, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision. Adults : 75-100mg P.O. or I.M. daily in divided doses with 25-50mg increments, up to 200mg. The maximum daily dosage is 300mg. Alternately, the entire dosage may be given at h.s. (I.M. route is rarely used.) Childhood Enuresis : 25-50mg P.O. daily. 062Janimine Imipramine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, particularly endogenous depression and as a tempor- ary treatment for childhood enuresis. Drowsiness, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, tachy-cardia, constipation, urinary retention, ataxia, skin rash, nausea, vom- iting, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision. Adults : 75-100mg P.O. or I.M. daily in divided doses with 25-50mg increments up to 200mg. The maximum dai- ly dosage is 300mg. Alternately, the entire dos- age may be given at h.s. (I.M. route is rarely used). Childhood Enuresis: 25-50mg P.O. daily. 063Marplan Isocarboxazid This medication is utilized as follows: The FDA has cate-gorized Marplan as "probably effective" in the treatment of depression inpatients who are unresponsive to other medications or ECT & those pa- tients who would be adversely effected by the use of tricyclic antide- pressants. There is a low incidence of side effects. The most commonly observed are orthostatic hypotension, irregular cardiac rate & rhythm, memory impairment, jitteriness, mania, tremors, headache, verti- go, falling, dizziness, constipation, hyperreflexia, hypomania. Adults: 30mg P.O. daily in single or divided doses. Reduce to 10- 20mg or less daily when improvement is noted. This medica- tion is not recommended for children under 16 yrs. The max- imum daily dosage is 30mg. 064Larodopa Levodopa This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: idiopathic and post-encephalitic parkinsonism; and symptoma- tic parkinsonism due to carbon monoxide or manganese intoxication or in association with cerebral arteriosclerosis. Cloreiform, dystonic, dyskinetic movements; involun- tary grimacing, head movements, myoclonic body jerks, ataxia, tremors, memory loss, nervousness, anxiety, nightmares, fatigue, severe depres- sion, orthostatic hypotension, nausea, vomiting, anorexia. Individualize administration of medication according to the needs and response of the patient. Adults, initially: 0.5 to 1.0g P.O. per day given b.i.d., t.i.d. or q.i.d. with food; increase by no more than 0.75g per day q 3-7 days, until a maximum of 8g is reached. 065Dopar Levodopa This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: idiopathic and post-encephalitic parkinsonism; and symptoma- tic parkinsonism due to carbon monoxide or manganese intoxication or in association with cerebral arteriosclerosis. Cloreiform, dystonic and dyskinetic movements; invol- untary grimacing, head movements, myoclonic body jerks, ataxia, tremors, memory loss, nervousness, anxiety, nightmares, fatigue, severe depres- sion, orthostatic hypotension, nausea, vomiting, anorexia. Individualize according to patients needs and response. Adults, initially: 0.5 to 1.0g P.O. per day given b.i.d., t.i.d., or q.i.d. with food; increase by no more than 0.75g per day q 3-7 days, until a maximum of 8g is reached. 066Eskalith Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: manic phases of bipolar disorder. Fine hand tremor, dry mouth, polyuria, dizziness, mildthirst, blackouts, mild nausea, twitching, diarrhea, muscular weakness, drowsiness, vomiting. Immediate release capsules and tablets are administered t.i.d. or q.i.d. Controlled release tablets are administered b.i.d. Individu- alize according to patients needs and lithium levels. Acute Mania: 1800mg per day in divided doses. This dosage will esta- blish the therapeutic lithium blood level: 1 to 1.5mEq/ liter. Long-term Control : Usually, 900-1200mg per day in divided doses will main- tain the desirable serum lithium levels of 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/liter. 067Lithane Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: manic phases of bipolar disorder. Fine hand tremor, dry mouth, polyuria, dizziness, mildthirst, blackouts, mild nausea, twitching, diarrhea, muscular weakness, drowsiness, vomiting. Acute Mania: 600mg t.i.d. This will produce the desired serum lithi- um levels of 1.0 to 1.5mEq/liter. Dosage should be indi- vidualized according to patient response and serum lev- els. Long-term Control : 300mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. will maintain the therapeutic serum lithium levels of 0.6 to 1.2mEq/liter. 068Lithobid Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: manic phases of bipolar disorder. Fine hand tremor, dry mouth, polyuria, dizziness, mildthirst, blackouts, mild nausea, twitching, diarrhea, muscular weakness, drowsiness, vomiting. Acute Mania: 900mg b.i.d. or 600mg t.i.d.; Long-term Control : 900-1200mg per day divided b.i.d. or t.i.d. 069Lithonate Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: manic phases of bipolar disorder. Fine hand tremor, dry mouth, polyuria, dizziness, mildblackouts, mild nausea, twitching, diarrhea, muscular weakness, drowsi- ness, vomiting. Adults: 300-600mg up to q.i.d., increasing on basis of blood levels to achieve optimal dosage. The recommended therapeutic lith- ium blood level: 1 to 1.5mEq/liter for acute mania; 0.6 to 1.2mEq/liter for maintenance dosage. 070Lithotabs Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: manic phases of bipolar disorder. Fine hand tremor, dry mouth, polyuria, dizziness, mildthirst, blackouts, mild nausea, twitching, diarrhea, muscular weakness, drowsiness, vomiting. Adults: 300-600mg P.O. up to q.i.d., increasing on basis of blood levels to achieve optimal dosage. The recommended therapeu- tic lithium blood level: 1 to 1.5mEq/liter for acute mania; 0.6 to 1.2mEq/liter for maintenance dosage; 071Lithium Carbonate Lithium Carbonate This medication is utilized in the following capacity: in the treatment of manic episodes of bipolar disorder and as a main- tenance medication for those with this disorder. Leukocytosis, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, thirst, incontinence, skin rash, arrhythmia, EKG changes, polyuria, epileptiform, ataxia, muscular weakness, slurred speech. Acute Mania: 600mg t.i.d. Individualize according to serum levels and patient response. The recommeded therapeutic lith- ium levels are 1 to 1.5mEq/liter for acute mania; Long-term Control : 300mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. The optimal serum lithium levels are 0.6 to 1.2mEq/liter. 072Cibalith-S Lithium Citrate This medication is utilized in the following capacity: in the treatment of manic episode of bipolar disorder. Hypotension, vertigo, slurred speech, incontinence, dizziness, blackouts, twitching, drowsiness, muscular weakness, diarrhea,vomiting, nausea; Polyuria, fine hand tremor and mild thirst may occur during the initial administrations. Acute Mania: 10ml (2 teas.) t.i.d.; Long-term Control : 5ml (1 teas.) t.i.d. or q.i.d; The recommended therapeutic lithium blood levels: 1 to 1.5mEq/liter for acute mania; 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/liter for maintenance dosage. 073Ativan Lorazepam This medication is utilized for the following: anxiety, tension, irritability, agitation, insomnia. Drowsiness, lethargy, hangover; infrequently, rest- lessness, confusion, diplopia, and depression. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.The usual range is 2 to 6mg per day given in divided doses. Insomnia: adults, 2-4mg P.O. at h.s. Anxiety : adults, 2-3mg/day given b.i.d. or t.i.d. Parenteral: Rate of injection should not exceed 2.0mg per minute. Dilute with an equal volume of compatible solution. For anxiety, sedation: 2mg total, or 0.02mg/lb whichever is smaller. 074Alzapam Lorazepam This medication is utilized for the following: anxiety, tension, irritability, agitation, insomnia. Drowsiness, lethargy, hangover; infrequently, rest- lessness, confusion, diplopia, and depression. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.The usual range is 2-6mg/day given in divided doses. Insomnia: Adults, 2-4mg P.O. at h.s. Anxiety : 2-3mg/day given b.i.d. or t.i.d. I.V. : initial dose is 2mg total, or 0.02mg/lb whichever is smal- ler. 075Loxitane Loxipine Succinate This medication is indicated in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders. Confusion, slurred speech, seizures, numbness, akine- sia, tension, insomnia, muscle twitching, staggering gait, dizziness, agitation, weakness, shuffling gait, faintness, transient leukopenia, sedation, tardive dyskinesia, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation. Adults, oral: 10mg P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d., rapidly increasing to 60- 100mg P.O. daily for most patients. Dosage varies from pt. to pt. Doses above 250mg/day are not recommended. Loxitane C : mix with orange or grapefruit juice soon before admin- istration. Maintenance : Use the lowest dosage possible to attain desired ef- fects. This is usually 20-60mg daily. Loxitane IM : 12.5-50mg at intervals of 4-6 hours. Use oral form as soon as possible. 076Mepergan Meperidine HCl & Promethazine HCl This medication is utilized for the following: sedation. Constipation, tremor, dysphoria, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, circulatory depression, respiratory depression, dry mouth, agitation, euphoria, sweating, sedation. Adults : 1-2ml (25-50mg of each component) per single I.M. injec- tion which can be repeated q 3-4 hours. Children 12 & under: 0.5mg of each component per pound of body weight. This may be repeated q 3-4 hours as necessary. 077Mesantoin Mephenytoin This medication is utilized as follows: in the treatment of grand mal, focal, Jacksonian, and psychomotor seizures that are unre- sponsive to less toxic medications. Initial dizziness, drowsiness, agranulocytosis, ner- vousness, exfoliative dermatitis, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, leukopenia,thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, maculopapular skin rashes, ataxia, diplo-pia. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.Optimal dosage is achieved by beginning with 1/2 or 1 tablet per day during the initial week. This may then be increased by 1/2 or 1 tab- let at weekly intervals. The average adult dose of this medication is2-6 tablets (0.2 to 0.6g). Children usually need between 1-4 tablets/day. 078Ludiomil Maprotiline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: mood disorders, i.e., dysthymia, major depression, bipolar dis- order, anxiety associated with depression. Constipation, agitation, orthostatic hypotension, diz-ziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, hypertension, nervousness, dry mouth,seizures, urinary retension, sweating, weakness and fatigue. Adults: Initial dose of 25-75mg daily for two weeks in patients with mild to moderate depression. This level should be maintained for two weeks before attempting to increase, then use 25mg increments. The dosage may be increased to a total daily dose of 150mg for most outpatients. For more severely depressed, hospitalized patients, initiate with 100-150mg/day. This may be increased to 225mg/day. Administration of more than 225mg/day is not suggested. 079Deprol Meprobamate, Benactyzine This medication is utilized in the following capacity: The F.D.A. classified Deprol as being "possibly effective" in the treat- ment of the following: depression, and anxiety; insomnia, rumination, or agitation. Dry mouth, nausea, syncope, nervousness, decreased concentration. Meprobamate alone: ataxia, slurred speech, drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo, weakness, nausea, vomiting. Benactyzine HCl alone: thought blocking, dizziness, increased anxiety, disturbed sleep, deper- sonalization. Adults: One tablet t.i.d. or q.i.d. This can be slowly increased to six tablets/day or slowly reduced to maintenance level. Ad- ministration of more than six tablets per day is not recom- mended. 080Meprospan Meprobamate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety and tension. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, ataxia, dizziness, vertigo, slurred speech,weakness, euphoria, palpitations, tachycardia. Adults : 1-2 400mg capsules in a.m. and h.s.; Administration of doses above 2400mg/day is not recommended. Children: One 200mg capsule in the a.m. and at h.s. This medication is not recommended for children under 6 years. 081Miltown Meprobamate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety and tension. Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, drowsiness, ataxia, pal-pitations, tachycardia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, vertigo, headache, slurred speech, euphoria, paresthesias. Administration of doses above 2400mg/day is not recommended. Miltown, adults : 1200-1600mg daily, in 3 or 4 divided doses.Miltown, children 6-12 years : 100-200mg 2-3 times daily. It is not re- commended for children under six years. Miltown 600, adults : One tablet b.i.d. Miltown 600 is not re- commended for children. 082Tranmep Meprobamate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: relief of anxiety and tension. Anorexia, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, palpitations, tachycardia, hypotension, drowsiness, ataxia, dizziness, thrombocyto- penia, leukopenia. Adults : 1.2-1.6g P.O. in 3-4 equally divided doses with a maximum of 2.4g/day. Children 6-12 years: 100-200mg P.O. b.i.d. or t.i.d. This medication is not recommended for children under 6 years. 083Serentil Mesoridazine Besylate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: alcoholism, anxiety, chronic brain syndrome and schizo- phrenia. Tardive dyskinesia, EPS, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, hypotension, drowsiness, tremor, rigidity, impotence, jaun- dice, transient leukopenia, agranulocytosis, sedation, ocular changes, blurred vision, constipation, mild photosensitivity. Alcoholism: Adults and Children over 12: 25mg P.O. b.i.d. The opti- mal range is 50-200mg/day. Behavioral Problems : Adults and Children over 12: 25mg P.O. t.i.d. The opti- mal range is 75-300mg/day. Anxiety : Adults and Children over 12: 10mg P.O. t.i.d. The range 30-150mg/day. Schizo- phrenia : For most patients : 50mg t.i.d. The range is 100-400mg/day. Injection : For most patients : 25mg, initially. Repeat in 30-60 min.084Desoxyn Metamphetamine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Suppression of growth, dry mouth, diarrhea, tremor, euphoria, tachycardia, impotence, changes in libido, constipation, rest- lessness, insomnia, dysphoria, dizziness, elevation of blood pressure, palpitation, Tourette's syndrome. Individualize according to the needs and response of the patient. Children six years & over: 5mg administered once or twice per day. This may be increased by 5mg at weekly in- tervals, prn. The usual effective dose is 20-25mg daily. Gradumet form should not be used to begin treatment. 085Gemonil Metharbital This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: grand mal, petit mal, myoclonic and mixed types of seizures. Side effects from the usage of Gemonil are infrequent.There is a low toxicity with the use of this medication. Side effects include: drowsiness, dizziness, increased irritability, gastric dis- tress, and skin rash. Dosage should be individualized according to the needs of the patient.Adults : usual initial dosage is 100mg one to three time daily. This may be used alone or with other antiepileptic medi- cations. Children: the usual initial dosage is 1/2 of a 100mg tablet, one to three times per day. This is dependent on the child's weight and age. 086Mebaral Methobarbital This medication is utilized for the following: the con- trol of grand mal and petit mal seizures; as a sedative/hypnotic in an effort to releive anxiety and apprehension. The following side effects are infrequent: somno- lence, agitation, confusion, CNS depression, nightmares, nervousness, hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety and vomiting. Epilepsy: Adults : 400-600mg daily; Children under 5 years: 16-32 t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Children over 5 years : 32-64mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. It is recommended to begin with small doses and gradually increase to the optimal amount over 4-5 days. Sedative: Adults : 32-64mg, with the optimum being t.i.d. or q.i.d. Children : 16-32mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. 087Celontin Methsuximide This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: management of petit mal seizures which have been unresponsive toother medications. Ataxia, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, depression, anorexia, constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, weight loss, leukopenia, monocytosis. Dosage must be individualized according to the patient's needs. Adults: initially, 300mg P.O. per day for the first week. If needed the dosage may be increased then at weekly intervals by 300mg per day for 3 weeks. Maximum daily dosage is 1.2g in divided doses. 088Ritalin Methylphenidate This medication is utilized for the treatment of the following: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Skin rash, exfoliative dermatitis, nausea, dry throat,palpitations, tachycardia, Tourette's syndrome, nervousness, insomnia, anorexia, dizziness, headache, dyskinesia, drowsiness, cardiac arrhyth- mia, abdominal pain. Adults: usual daily dose is 20-30mg/day in divided doses. Administer before meals. Ritalin SR tablets have a duration of action of approximately 8 hours. They must be swallowed whole and never crushed or chewed. Children six years of age and older: Use in small doses initially, increase gradually at weekly in- tervals. Daily dosage above 60 mg/day is not suggested. With tablets, begin with 5mg b.i.d. Increase by 5-10mg weekly if needed. 089Noludar Methyprylon This medication is utilized for the following: hypnotic effective for at least seven consecutive nights. Constipation, nausea, vomiting, syncope, anemia, acutebrain syndrome and confusion, vertigo, ataxia, convulsions, diarrhea, blurred vision, hypotension, anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, drowsi- ness, pruritus, diplopia, thrombocytopenic purpura, depression. Individualize dosage according to the needs of the patient. Adult : one capsule (300mg) or one or two 200mg tablets at h.s.Children over 12 yrs: dosage varies a great deal. May begin with 50mg, then increase up to 200mg if necessary. 090Moban Molindone This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders. Initial drowsiness, mild photosensitivity, cholestaticjaundice, abnormal liver function tests, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, transient leukopenia, EPS, tardive dyskine-sia, skin rash, increase in libido. Adults : 50-75mg P.O. daily initially. Increase to 100mg per day in 3-4 days. Increasing to 225mg/day may be neces- sary with some patients with severe symptoms. Maintenance: Based on the severity of symptoms: --mild : 5-15mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; --moderate: 10-25mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; --severe : 225mg/day; 091Merital Nomifensine Maleate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, especially major depression. Constipation, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, dry mouth, insomnia, headache. The usual initial dose is 50mg b.i.d. This may be increased as re- quired with incremental additions being made to the a.m. dose. The average daily dose is 100-200mg. 092Pamelor Nortriptyline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: depression, especially endogenous depression. The following are frequently encountered with the use of tricyclic antidepressants: nausea, and vomiting, itching, blurred vision, ataxia, numbness, disorientation, confusion, hypertension, hypo- tension, tachycardia, hallucinations, delusions, tingling, dry mouth, skin rash, photosensitivity. This medication is not recommended for use in children. Adults: 25mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., gradually increasing to a maximum of 150mg/day. As an alternative, the entire dose may be given at h.s. When administering doses above 100mg/day, plasma levels of nortriptyline should be monitored. 093Aventyl Nortriptyline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: depression, especially endogenous depression. The following are common to tricyclic antidepressants:nausea, vomiting, itching, blurred vision, ataxia, numbness, disorienta- tion, confusion, hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia, hallucinations, delusions, tingling, dry mouth, skin rash, photosensitivity. Adults: 25mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d., gradually increasing to a maximum of 150mg daily. As an alternative, the entire dose may be given at h.s. 094Serax Oxazepam This medication is utilized for the following: alcohol withdrawal, antianxiety, and tension relief. Transient drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, nausea, vomiting, transient hypotension, fainting, dizziness, vertigo, headache, excitement, slurred speech, leukopenia, hepatic dysfunction. Alcohol withdrawal, acute inebriation : 15-30mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Mild to moderate anxiety : 10-15mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Severe anxiety : 15-30mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d.; Geriatrics, anxiety: Initially, 10mg, t.i.d. If needed, increase carefully to 15mg, t.i.d. or q.i.d. 095Paradione Paramethadione This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: absence (petit mal) seizures in patients who did not receive relief from symptoms with other medications. Nephrosis, aplastic anemia, acneiform, headache, vertigo, insomnia, fatigue, personality changes, hair loss, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, vaginal bleeding, diplopia, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss, malignant lymphoma, lupus erythematosus, changes in blood pressure. Adults : 0.9-2.4g/day in 3-4 equally divided doses (i.e., 300-600mg t.i.d. or q.i.d). Initiate with 0.9g/day. This may be in- creased by 300mg at weekly intervals. Children: 0.3-0.9g daily in 3-4 equally divided doses. 096Cylert Pemoline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Stomachache, anorexia, hallucinations, hepatic dys- function, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, dyskinetic movements of the tongue, lips, face and extremities, insomnia; may precipitate Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Administer as a single morning dose. Initiate with 37.5mg/day. This should be slowly increased by 18.75mg at one week intervals until optimal results are achieved. The effective dosage range for the majority of patients is 56.25-75mg/day. The maximum daily dose is 112.5mg. 097Nembutal Pentobarbital Sodium This medication is utilized for the following: short-termtreatment of insomnia. It is used as a sedative, hypnotic, preanesthe- tic, and anticonvulsant. Somnolence, drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, nausea, vomiting, rash, headache, insomnia, nightmares, constipation, bradycar- dia, agitation, confusion. Individualize according to the needs and condition of the patient. Capsules: Adults: 100mg at h.s.; Children: must be based on individual factors; Solution: Adults: 150-200mg deep I.M.; Children: 2-6mg/kg as a single I.M. injection. Do not ex- ceed 100mg. Adults: I.V.: Do not exceed 50mg/minute. Initial dose for the 70kg adult is 100mg. May administer up to 500mg, if necessary, after assessment of initial administration. 098Etrafon Perphenazine, Amitriptyline This medication is utilized as follows: for the treatmentof moderate to severe anxiety and/or agitation and depressed mood. Perphenazine: EPS (i.e., protrusion, discolorization,aching and rounding of the tongue, slurred speech, parkinsonism, dyskine-sia); tardive dyskinesia, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, agranulocytosis, nasal congestion. Amitriptyline: adverse reactions typical to tricyclicantidepressants. Initial : 1 Etrafon 2-25 or 1 Etrafon Forte tablet 4-25 t.i.d. or q.i.d. Maintenance: 1 Etrafon tablet 2-25 or 1 Etrafon-Forte 4-25 b.i.d., to q.i.d. 099Trilafon Perphenazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders, acute alcoholism. Mild photosensitivity, transient leukopenia, agranulo-cytosis, cholestatic jaundice, abnormal liver function tests, EPS, tardive dyskinesia, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision. Psychotic, outpt: initially, 4-8mg t.i.d., then decrease as soon as (tablets) possible to maintenance level; Psychotic, inpt.: 8-16mg b.i.d. to q.i.d.; Doses above 64mg/day are (tablets) not recommended; Injection : usual initial dose is 5mg. If necessary, this may be repeated q 6 hours. The total daily dosage should not exceed 15mg in ambulatory patients or 30mg in inpatients. In severely agitated condi- tions, administration of 10mg initially may be re- quired; Concentrate : 8-16mg b.i.d. to q.i.d. depending on severity; 100Orap Pimoside This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: phonic tics in patients with Tourette's syndrome. Tardive dyskinesia, tremor, blurred vision, loss of libido, EPS, dizziness, weight fluctuations, neuroleptic malignant syn- drome, sedation, akathisia, impotence, dry mouth, constipation, drowsi- ness, chest pain, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, skin rash. Adults and Children over 12: initially, 1-2mg daily in divided doses. This may then be increased every other day. Most patients are maintained by less than 0.2mg/kg/day or 10mg/day. Dosages above these are not recommended. 101Phenurone Phenacemide This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: severe epilepsy, complex partial (psychomotor) seizures that have not been responsive to other medications. Psychic changes, gastrointestinal disturbances, anore-xia, weight loss, skin rash, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, dizziness, paresthesias and hepatitis. Adults : 500mg P.O. t.i.d. This may be increased by 500mg weekly up to 5g daily, prn. Children 5-10 years: 250mg P.O. t.i.d. This may be increased by 250 mg weekly, up to 1.5g daily, prn. 102Nardil Phenelzine Sulfate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: nonendogenous, atypical, or neurotic depression. Side effects tend to be mild to moderate: hyperre- flexia, tremors, edema, weakness, postural hypotension, constipation, dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, in- somnia, anorexia, sexual disturbances. Adults: 45mg/day P.O. in divided doses, increasing rapidly to 60mg day. This dosage can then be usually reduced to 15mg daily. The maximum daily dosage is 90mg. 103Solfoton Phenobarbital This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: all forms of epilepsy, febrile seizures in children; status epilepticus; sedation, insomnia. Angioedema, drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. All forms of epilepsy, adults: 100-200mg P.O. daily, divided t.i.d. or given as a single dose at h.s.; Febrile seizures in children : 4-6mg/kg P.O. daily, usually divided q q 12 hrs.Can be given once daily; Status epilepticus, adults : 10mg/kg as I.V. infusion no faster than 50mg/min. May give up to 20mg/kg total. Acute or emergency only; Status epilepticus, children : 5-10mg/kg I.V. May repeat q 10-15 min up to 20mg/kg; Insomnia: adults : 100-320mg P.O. or I.M.; children : 3-6mg/kg; Sedation, adults : 300-120mg/day in 2-3 divided doses; 104Barbita Phenobarbital This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: all forms of epilepsy, febrile seizures in children; status epilepticus; sedation, insomnia. Angioedema, drowsiness, lethargy, hangover, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. All forms of epilepsy, adults: 100-200mg P.O. daily, divided t.i.d. or given as a single dose at h.s. Febrile seizures in children : 4-6mg/kg P.O. daily, usually divided q 12 hrs. May administered once daily. Insomnia: adults : 100-320mg P.O. or I.M.; Status epilepticus in adults : 10mg/kg as I.V. infusion no faster than 50mg/min. May give up to 20mg/kg total. Acute or emergency only.Status epilepticus: children: 5-10mg/kg I.V. May repeat q 10-15 minutes up to totalof 20mg/kg. Sedation: adults : 30-120mg/day in 2-3 divided doses. Sedation: children : 6mg/kg. 105Milontin Phensuximide This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: petit mal seizures. Anorexia, ataxia, drowsiness, granulocytopenia, head- ache, nausea, vomiting, renal damage, dizziness, lethargy, skin rashes, transient leukopenia. Individualize according to needs of the patient. Adults & Children: 500mg b.i.d. or t.i.d. 105Dilantin Phenytoin This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: generalized (grand mal), complex partial (psychomotor and temporal lobe) seizures. Agranulocytosis, ataxia, slurred speech, confusion, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, headache, transient nervousness, nystagmus, diplopia; toxic hepatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis. Kapseals: Adults: 100mg t.i.d., then adjust according to the needs of the patient. Children: initially, 5mg/kg/day in 2-3 equally divided doses then individualize to a maximum of 300mg/day. Infatab : Adults: 2 Infatabs t.i.d., then individualize. Children: 5mg/kg/day in 2-3 equally divided doses, then individualize to a max. of 300mg/day. Parenteral:Do not exceed 50mg/min. I.V. in adults, and not exceeding 1-3mg/kg/min. in neonates. Status Epilepticus: Adults: 10-15mg/kg, then maintenance of 100mg orally or IV q 6-8 hours. 107Centrax Praxepam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of symptoms ofanxiety. Ataxia, lightheadedness, weakness, fatigue, drowsi- ness, dizziness, lethargy, hangover, confusion, slurred speech, palpita- tions, dry mouth, pruritus, transient skin rashes. Adults: 30mg P.O. in divided doses. The usual range is 20-60mg/day. This may be given as a single dose at h.s. When administer- ing as a single dose at h.s. begin with 20mg. The dosage range at h.s. is 20-40mg; 108Mysoline Primidone This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: grand mal, psychomotor, and focal epileptic seizures. It hasbeen effective in the treatment of grand mal seizures that have been unresponsive to other medications. Ataxia, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diplopia, verti-go, anorexia, fatigue, hyperirritability, and sexual impotency. Adults and children 8 years and older who have no previous treatment: --Days 1-3: 100-125mg at h.s.; --Days 4-6: 100-125mg b.i.d.; --Days 7-9: 100-125mg t.i.d.; --Day 10-maintenance: 250mg t.i.d.; Children under 8 years: --Days 1-3: 50mg at h.s.; --Days 4-6: 50mg b.i.d.; --Days 7-9: 100mg b.i.d.; --Day 10-maintenance: 125mg t.i.d. to 250mg t.i.d. 109Chlorazine Prochlorperazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders; short-term treatment of non-psychotic anxiety. Tardive dyskinesia, pseudo-parkinsonism, motor rest- lessness, dystonias, skin reactions, hypotension, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, amenorrhea. Adults: 5-10mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d.; or 15mg sustained-release form P.O. on arising; or 10mg sustained-release form P.O. q 12 hours; or 25mg rectally b.i.d. or 5-10mg I.M. injected deeply into upper outer quadrant of gluteal region. Repeat q 3-4 hours, prn. The maximum I.M. dose is 40mg daily. 110Compazine Prochlorperazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders; short-term treatment of non-psychotic anxiety. Tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, pseudo-parkinsonism, motor restlessness, dystonias, skin reaction, hypo- tension, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, amenorrhea, cholestatic jaundice, fever, leukopenia, agranulocytosis. Individualize according to the needs and response of the patient. Be-gin with small dosages. Adults: (non-psychotic anxiety) 5mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.; by Spansule, one 15mg capsule on arising or one 10mg capsule q 12 hours. (psychotic disorders with mild symptoms) 5 or 10mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. (psychotic disorder with moderate to severe symptoms) 10mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. May increase dosage then until desired ef- fect is achieved. In severe cases, the optimal daily dosage is 100-150mg/day. I.M.: initial dose of 10-20mg deep in up- per outer quadrant of buttock. May repeat q 2-4 hours, prn. 111Kemadrin Procyclidine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: post-encephalitic, arteriosclerotic and idiopathic types of parkinsonism. It is also used for symptom relief of EPS, i.e., dystonia,dyskinesia, akathesia, parkinsonism, and controls excessive salivation from neuroleptic medications. Constipation, epigastric distress, nausea, vomiting, mydriasis, lightheadedness, giddiness, dry mouth, blurred vision. Individualize dosage according to patient factors such as age, etiolo-gy, and individuality. Parkinsonism: Adults with no previous treatment: initially, 2.5mg P.O. t.i.d. after meals. Increase to 5mg t.i.d. to achieve optimal response. In most instances, optimal response is a- chieved with 10-20mg/day. EPS: Begin with 2.5mg t.i.d. This may be increased by increments of 2.5mg daily. Usually 10-20mg/day achieved desired effects. 112Sparine Promazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychotic disorders. Weight gain, mild photosensitivity, abnormal liver function tests, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, ocular changes, blurred vision, orthostatic hypotension, EPS, tardive dyskine- sia, sedation, transient leukopenia, agranulocytosis. Adults: 25-200mg P.O. or I.M. q 4-6 hours, up to 1g daily. I.V. dose in concentrations no greater than 25mg/ml for acutely agi- tated patients. Initial dose is 50-150mg; repeat within 5-10 minutes if necessary. Children over 12 : 10-25mg P.O. or I.M. q 4-6 hours. 113Phenergan Promethazine This medication is utilized for the following: sedation, apprehension relief. Nausea, vomiting, sedation, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, euphoria, blurred vision, nervousness, insomnia, tremors, EPS, changes in blood pressure. Sedation: Children: 12.5-25mg P.O., I.M. or rectally at h.s.; Adults : 25-50mg P.O. or I.M. at h.s. or prn; 114Remsed Promethazine This medication is utilized as follows: to facilitate light sleep; relief of apprehension; sedation in children and adults. The following are not specific for this medication but for phenothiazine derivatives in general: drowsiness, dermatitis, hypotension, EPS in high doses, postural hypotension, euphoria, hyper- reflexia, agranulocytosis, sedation, restlessness. Sedation: Adults: 25-50mg P.O. or I.M. at h.s. or prn. Children: 12.5-25mg P.O., I.M. or rectally at h.s.; 115Vivactil Protriptyline This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression especially in patients who are withdrawn and closely monitored. The following are not necessarily specific to this medication but are common to tricyclic antidepressants: agranulocytosis,skin rash, blurred vision, dry mouth, EPS, seizures, ataxia, tremors, anxiety, delusions, confusion, tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, disorientation, agitation, insomnia, drowsiness, fatigue, photosensitivi-ty, purpura, epigastric distress, impotence, jaundice. Adolescents, Geriatrics: 5mg, t.i.d., initially, gradually increase if necessary. Supervise closely if dosage above 20mg/day is administered. Adults : 15-40mg P.O. daily divided t.i.d. or q.i.d. This may be increased to a maximum of 60mg per day. 116Raudixin Rauwolfia Serpentina This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: agitated psychotic states, especially in patients who cannot tolerate phenothiazine derivatives or patients who also need hypertensivemedication. Impotence, weight gain, bradycardia, optic atrophy, depression, confusion, drowsiness, arrhythmias, dry mouth, nausea, vomit-ing, syncope, orthostatic hypotension, anxiety, glaucoma, EPS, dizziness,diarrhea, purpura, skin rash, changes in libido. Adults: 200-400mg P.O. per day in divided doses in the morning and the evening. The maintenance dosage is 50-300mg per day. 117Serpasil Reserpine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychotic disorders, especially in patients who cannot tolerate phenothiazine derivatives or patients who also need hypertensive medica- tion. Impotence, weight gain, depression, drowsiness, nau- sea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, nervousness, drowsi-ness, dry mouth, syncope, diarrhea, glaucoma, anorexia, arrhythmias, ede-ma, dyspnea, sore muscles, decreased libido. Adults : initially, 0.5mg P.O. per day. Maintenance: 0.1mg to 1.0mg per day. Individualize accord- ing to patient's needs. 118Seconol Secobarbital This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: insomnia, acute tetanus convulsion, acute psychotic agitation, and status epilepticus. Drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, skin rash, hangover, urticaria, somnolence. Insomnia: Adults: 100-200mg P.O. or I.M. Children: 3-5mg/kg I.M. not to exceed 100mg, with no more than 1 ml injected in any one site. 4-5mg/kg rectally. Acute Psychotic Agitation: Adults: 50mg/minute I.V. up to 250mg initially; additional doses may be given cautiously after 5 minutes if desired response is not obtained. It is not recommended to exceed 500mg total. Status Epilepticus: 250-350mg I.M. or I.V. 119Tuinal Secobarbital Sodium, Amobarbital Sodium This medication is utilized as follows: moderate long- acting barbiturate, central nervous system depressant, hypnotic. It is not recommended for use for longer than 14 days. Nausea, vomiting, hangover, respiratory depression, drowsiness, lethargy, CNS depression. Adults: 50-200mg at h.s. 120Restoril Temazepam This medication is utilized for the following: insomnia, i.e., difficulty falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and/or early morning awakenings. Side effects are usually mild and transient. They in-clude: euphoria, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, lethargy, daytime sedation, diarrhea. Individualize according to the needs and response of the patient. Insomnia: Adults : 15-30mg P.O. at h.s. Adults over 65: 15mg P.O. at h.s. 121Pentothal Thiopental Sodium This medication is utilized for the following: an ultra- short acting depressant of CNS which facilitates hypnosis and anethesia, but not analgesia; for psychiatric disorders (narcoanalysis, narcosyn- thesis). Bronchospasm, sneezing, cardiac arrhythmias, prolong somnolence and recovery, coughing, myocardial depression, respiratory, depression, laryngospasm, shivering. After a test dose, pentathal is injected as a slow rate of 100mg/min- ute (4ml/minute of a 2.5% solution) with the patient counting back- wards from 100. Shortly after counting becomes confused but before actual sleep is produced, the injection is discontinued. 122Navane Thiothixene This medication is utilized for the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychotic disorders. The following are common to medications similar to phenothiazines: tardive dyskinesia, cholestatic jaundice, mild photo- sensitivity, ocular changes, blurred vision, orthostatic hypotension, EPS, transient leukopenia, agranulocytosis, dry mouth, constipation, tachycardia, syncope, drowsiness, cerebral edema, skin rash, lactation, nasal congestion, impotence. Individualize depending on the severity of symptoms. Acute agitation: Adults: 4mg I.M. b.i.d. to q.i.d. Most patients are controlled by 16-20mg/day. The maximum daily dosage is 30mg. Change to P.O. as soon as possible. Mild to Moderate Psychosis:initially, 2mg P.O. t.i.d. This can be in- creased to 15mg/day. Severe Psychosis :initially, 5mg P.O. b.i.d. This may be in- creased gradually to 20-30mg daily.The max- imum recommended daily dose is 60mg. Navane is not recommended for children under 12yrs123Mellaril Thioridazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychotic disorders, short-term treatment of depression with differing levels of anxiety, severe behavioral problems in children, dementia in geriatrics. Adverse reactions tend to be mild and transient if the medication is used as recommended. Breast engorgement, diarrhea, nausea, blurred vision; EPS is frequent; tardive dyskinesia, nasal stuffiness, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, drowsiness. Individualize according to the needs of the patient. Adults, psychosis: initially, 50-100mg P.O. t.i.d., with gradual increases up to 800mg/daily in divided doses, if necessary. The dosage range is usually 200-800mg divided b.i.d. to q.i.d. Geriatrics : initial dose, 25mg t.i.d. Depression : initially, 25mg P.O. t.i.d. The daily dosage is between 20-200mg. 200mg/day is the maximum. Children 2-12 yrs: 0.5-3.0mg/kg/day in divided doses. For moderate symptoms, 10mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.; For hospitalized, psychotic, 25mg, b.i.d. or t.i.d. 124Millazine Thioridazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: psychosis, depression, dementia in geriatrics, behavioral problems in children. Mild photosensitivity, cholestatic jaundice, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, ocular changes, blurred vision, orth-ostatic hypotension, tachycardia, tardive dyskinesia, sedation, transientleukopenia, agranulocytosis. Depression, dementia, behavioral problems: Adults: initially, 25mg P.O. t.i.d. Maintenance dose: 20-200mg/day.Children over 2 years: 0.5-3.0mg/kg daily in divided doses. Psychosis: Adults: initially, 50-100mg P.O. t.i.d. with gradual increments up to 800mg daily in divided doses, if needed. Dosage varies from patient to patient. Geria- trics : initial dose 25mg, t.i.d. 125SK-Thioridazine Thioridazine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: psychosis, depression, dementia in geriatrics, behavioral problems in children. Mild photosensitivity, cholestatic jaundice, urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation, ocular changes, blurred vision, orth-ostatic hypotension, tachycardia, tardive dyskinesia, sedation, transientleukopenia, agranulocytosis. Depression, dementia, behavioral problems: Adults : initially, 25mg P.O. t.i.d. Maintenance: 20-200 mg/day; Children over 2 yrs.: 0.5-3.0mg/kg daily in divided doses. Psychosis: Adults : initially, 50-100mg P.O. t.i.d. with gradual increments up to 800mg daily in divided doses, if needed. Dosage varies from patient to pa- tient. Geriatrics : initial dose, 25mg t.i.d. 126Parnate Tranylcypromine This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: hospital patients with endogenous depression including Major Depression without Melancholia, and those who have been unresponsive to other medications. Impotence, blurred vision, edema, tachycardia, abdom- inal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, restlessness, chills, palpitation, anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, insomnia, drowsiness, headaches, elevation of blood pressure, postural hypotension at doses exceeding 30mg/day. Individualize according to the needs of the patient. Improvement is usually seen in 2 days to 3 weeks. Adults: 30mg P.O. per day. Increase to a maximum of 60mg daily, if necessary after two weeks. 127Desyrel Trazodone This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: depression alone or with anxiety. Drowsiness, dizziness, akathisia, anemia, orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, sweating, impotence,hallucinations, delusions, hypomania, flatulence, increased libido. The initial recommended dosage is 150mg per day in divided doses. This can be increased by 50mg per day every 3-4 days. The maximum dose for outpatients should not exceed 400mg/day in divided doses. The maximum daily dosage for inpatients is 600mg. 128Halcion Triazolam This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: short-term management of insomnia characterized by difficultyfalling asleep, frequent nighttime awakenings and/or early morning awakenings. Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nervousness, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, difficulty with coordination, ataxia. Individualize according to the needs and response of the patient. Adults: 0.25mg at h.s. though 0.125mg may be sufficient. Utilize 0.5mg for patients who are unresponsive to lower dosages. Geria- trics : initially, 0.125mg P.O. at h.s. May give up to 0.25mg/day. 129Pathibamate Tridihexethyl Chloride, & Meprobamate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: peptic ulcer especially when accompanied by anxiety or tension. From tridihexethyl chloride: impotence, headache, blurred vision, tachycardia, nervousness, loss of taste, palpitations, urinary retention. From meprobamate: aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leudopenia, agranu-locytosis, hypertensive crisis, drowsiness, ataxia, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, slurred speech, urticaria. One tablet t.i.d. at mealtimes, and two tablets at h.s. Doses above 2400mg/day are not recommended nor is it recommended for children under 12 years. 130Stelazine Trifluoperazine This medication is utilized for the following: psychotic disorders, non-psychotic anxiety. Drowsiness, dizziness, transient leukopenia, agranulo-cytosis, tardive dyskinesia, orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, blurred vision, pseudo-parkinsonsism, constipation, urinary retention, motor restlessness, mild photosensitivity, EPS, amenorrhea, insomnia, skin rash, muscular weakness, dystonias. Non-psychotic anxiety: 1-2mg P.O. b.i.d., with not more than 6mg/day or for longer than 12 weeks. Psychosis, adults : 2-5mg P.O. b.i.d. Optimal response is seen with 15-20mg/day. This may be increased grad- ually to a maximum of 40mg/day. I.M.: 1-2mg deep I.M. q 4-6 hours, prn. Psychosis, children : (6-12 yrs. under close supervision) 1mg P.O. daily or b.i.d. This may be increased slowly to 15mg per day. I.M.: for rapid control: 1mg once or twice/day. Concentrate : add to 2 fl. oz. or more of diluent. 131Artane Trihexyphenidyl This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: all forms of parkinsonism; EPS resulting from the use of CNS medications. Nervousness, mild nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, dry mouth. Those with arteriosclerosis or idiosyncrasy to other medica- tions may experience nausea and vomiting, disturbed behavior, agitation, confusion. Drug Induced Parkinsonism: Adults: 5-15mg is the total dail dosage. In some instances as little as 1mg/day achieves results. Begin with a low dosage. Post-encephalitic Parkinsonism: 12-15mg total daily dose. Idiopathic Parkinsonism: initially, 1mg on day one. Dosage may be increased by 2mg increments q 3-5 days, un- til total of 6-10mg/day is administered. 132Tridione Trimehadione This medication is utilized in the treatment of the following: petit mal seizures unresponsive to other medications. Nausea, vomiting, gastric distress, abdominal pain, drowsiness, insomnia, bleeding gums, fatigue, headache, weight loss, acneiform, changes in blood pressure, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, anorexia. Adults: 0.9-2.4 g per day in 3-4 equally divided doses (i.e., 300- 600mg t.i.d. or q.i.d.). Initially, 0.9g daily, then in- crease by 300mg at weekly intervals until symptom relief is achieved or toxicity. Children: 0.3-0.9g per day in 3-4 equally divided doses. 133Surmontil Trimipramine Maleate This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: depression, especially endogenous depression. The following are common to tricyclic antidepressants:nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity, skin rash, itching, blurred vision, dry mouth, tingling, numbness, ataxia, delusions, disorientation, hallu- cinations, confusion, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, anxiety, nightmares, hypomania, agranulocytosis, purpura, thrombocytopenia, epi- gastric distress, jaundice. Outpatients, adults : 75mg daily in divided doses; May increase to 150mg/day. Dosages beyond 200mg daily are not recommended. Maintenance range: 50-150mg/day. The total dosage may be administered at h.s. Inpatients, adults : Initially, 100mg/day in divided doses. May in- crease after a few days to 200mg/day. If there is no improvement seen in 2-3 weeks, may in- crease to a maximum of 250-300mg/day. Adolescent/Geriatric: Initially, 50mg/day, with slow increases up to 100mg/day. 134Depakene Valproic Acid This medication is utilized in the treatment of the fol- lowing: simple and complex absence seizures. It may also be effective in the treatment of multiple seizure disorders which include absence seizures. Abdominal cramps, nausea, diarrhea, aggression, vomit-ing, depression, hair loss, indigestion, psychosis, thrombocytopenia, hyperactivity, fatal hepatic dysfunction, hepotoxicity. Use with extremecaution and not in conjunction with other anticonvulsants. Monitor for loss of seizure control, maliase, weakness, lethargy, facial edema, anorexia, vomiting. These are signs of fatal hepotoxicity. Adults: initially, 15mg/kg P.O. daily. May increase by 5-10mg/kg per day at weekly intervals. The maximum daily dosage is 60mg/kg. If the total daily dose exceed 250mg, administer in divided doses. 135Butisol Sodium Butabarbital Sodium This medication is utilized as follows: as a sedative and hypnotic. It is recommended that this medication be used for no longer than two weeks. Constipation, hypoventilation, anxiety, hallucina- tions, ataxia, confusion, somnolence, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in- somnia, CNS depression, hyperkinesia, agitation. Sedation : Adults : 15-30mg P.O. t.i.d. or q.i.d. Children: 2-6mg/kg. Maximum: 100mg; Bedtime Hypnotic: Adults : 50-100mg;